Windows package and the diff tool (suggestion)

Marcos Chaves marcos.nospam at
Tue Nov 14 19:22:54 CST 2006

Hi Lee,

I'm using the latest windows package as of today
(Mercurial-0.9.1-a27d90c9336e.exe). I talked to the people on the IRC
and they said that the windows packages used to contain everything
they needed, but this one does not come with a 3 way diff tool.

I know that this has been discussed here before, and the solution is
described in the "WindowsInstall" page of the wiki. But, the same page
says that the windows package has "no prerequisites - no need to
install Python or other software". So, being a lazy and impatient
user, I just downloaded the package and started to play with it and
then had to figure out what was going on when Hg complained about the
"missing hgmerge" tool.

I didn't want to update the "WindowsInstall' page before talking to
someone on the project. My suggestion is that it should be more clear
to the new user that he/she needs to install a 3 way diff tool and
configure it. What do you think?

Also, if this is useful to anyone, here's how my 'hgmerge.cmd' file
looks like. I decided to use TortoiseMerge as my merge tool because I
already had it installed, and also both kdiff3 and GNU diff3 were
messing the EOL of my files:

"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe" /mine:%1 /base:%2
/theirs:%3 /merged:%1



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