[PATCH 5 of 8] convert extension: Always add tags the same branch

Emanuele Aina faina.mail at tiscali.it
Mon Jul 2 12:43:58 CDT 2007

Brendan Cully preferì:

>> convert-repo uses to commit tags on the tip. This has 1 pro and 2 cons:
>>  - it's cool to have tip (tag node) reflect the last real commit node
>>    hg up -C gives exactly the same working dir
>>  - the tags commit nodes are floating all around history w/o real logic
>>    except the user started convert-repo at that precise time
>>  - If we consider tags are not part of history but they live aside, it's
>>    just better to really mean this by tagging always on the same branch
>>    (unamed)
>> The proposed solution is to have a fake '0' source changeset that always
>> points to the last 'update tag' commit. This '0' source changeset is mapped
>> to a real hg node in the map file, and can be used in a future run to
>> keep track of this unamed head. The first 'tag' commit is parented
>> to the first revision.
> I don't love this approach. I'd rather have each tag put on the branch
> to which it applies, so that a later clone -r branch will include the
> tags that apply. I wrote some code to do this some time ago, but it
> was before the tag ordering algorithm was fully defined, so it would
> need updating.

My biggest concern is to have repeatable conversions: ideally if 
developers A and B would convert something they should get the same 
repo, so they can pull or push between each other.

Having the tags in a separate branch makes easy to strip that branch if 
a repeatable tag history cannot be built.

If you put tags in the branch to which they apply please make sure that 
their location in the DAG and their hash are repeatable.

Complimenti per l'ottima scelta.

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