MS Windows XP (I know, bleah!) version of most recent tip

Patrick Mézard pmezard at
Wed Jun 6 14:33:08 CDT 2007

Eric Hopper a écrit :
> I do not have a compiler available on the Windows box I have to use at 
> work.  :-(

If you can install one but do not want to deal with MinGW, I still have 
a (deprecated-I-am-probably-no-longer-allowed-to-use-it-anymore) VS 2003 
Toolkit around.

> I would like to be able to use the latest development version of 
> Mercurial at work.
> I'm using Python 2.5 at work.
> Is there anybody who can help?  It would be a huge bonus if I could get 
> something where I could replace all the .py files with my own 
> development versions.  Though a version with the installer would be nice 
> too since I could then distribute it to co-workers.

I could share a build/ directory of crew or crew-stable. And if you 
really are interested I could probably try to maintain it a way or another.


> Has anybody ever gotten the 'hg view' extension to work on Windows?

Sure (again without cygwin or mingw). Get the latest from crew or 
crew-stable and add a .tcl extension to make wish happy, setup a recent 
version of tcl/tk and configure it like any other.

Patrick Mezard

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