Dirstate walking with name mangling filesystems [Was: Cleanup of the purge extension]

Emanuele Aina faina.mail at tiscali.it
Sun Mar 11 15:43:06 CDT 2007

Alexis S. L. Carvalho delineò:

> IOW, there are 2 different problems: hg is usually interested only in
> tracked files - it can just lstat every file in this list to see if it's
> on the filesystem.  OTOH, purge has a list of the files on the
> filesystem and it wants to know which ones are not tracked by hg -
> which, as we're seeing, can be quite a chore when there are aliases
> around.

Maybe I can add a repo.listdir() method which on a sane filesystem just 
calls os.listdir() but on a name mangling one it creates a dict with the 
normalized filenames (e.g. lowercase) and the corresponding filename as 
stored in the dirstate. The method then will call os.listdir() using the 
created dict to yield filenames as stored in the dirstate.

Something along these lines:

for filename in dirstate:
     canonicalized_filename = filename.upper()
     name_map[canonicalized_filename] = filename

return [name_map.get(i.upper(), i) for i in os.listdir():

What do you think?

Complimenti per l'ottima scelta.

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