[PATCH 1 of 3] Add a new function, filesystem_case

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Sun Apr 27 07:17:14 CDT 2008

2008/4/27 Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com>:
> On 26.04.2008 17:57, Matt Mackall wrote:
>  > I think we should only need to use checkfolding once per hg invocation, on the
>  > repository's .hg directory.
>  Suggestion: add new member function foldspaths on class
>  mercurial.localrepo.localrepository:

Hmm, I think this should be a dirstate member - only the filesystem
has case folding behaviour, and the dirstate reflects the working
directory, ie the filesystem. The repository is in theory always case
sensitive as filenames get mangled to ensure this.

There may be places where the repo needs to know about case issues -
my paych for issue 1083 is a case in point - but that's only in order
to know that it needs to work around a case insensitive filesystem in
order to enforce case sensitive semantics.

Does that make sense? (I ask because I want to check that my
understanding of the concepts involved is correct...)

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