filemerge: A feature request

Matt Mackall mpm at
Wed Feb 6 10:00:51 CST 2008

On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 00:51 -0600, Steve Borho wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 12:01 +0530, dhruva wrote:
> > Hi,
> >  since there is a function to check the file type (if binary based on
> > embedded nulls), i was wondering if it made sensee to have it in core
> >
> filemerge does consult util.binary() to determine whether a tool can
> merge a particular file.  By default, merge tools are assumed to not be
> capable of handling binary files so unless you've manually specified a
> tool that can handle binary files, filemerge falls back to giving the
> user a choice between the local and other versions.
> You can specify a binary merging tool in the merge-tools specification.
> [merge-tools]
> mytool.args = $local $base $other
> mytool.binary = true
> However, there's no explicit way to say:  binary -> internal:local

Well... you can do:

internal:other.binary = True
internal:other.priority = -100

..which says "if nothing else can merge this binary. take the other

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