[PATCH] Check for .hgrc files in ancestor directories above the repository

Maxim Dounin mdounin at mdounin.ru
Thu Jan 10 18:15:38 CST 2008


On Thu, Jan 10, 2008 at 06:48:28PM -0500, Jesse Glick wrote:

>If this seems like a real issue to people, the files in ancestor 
>directories could instead be called 'hgrc' (no dot), which would prevent 
>possible conflicts with ~user/.hgrc, and ensure that ls (without -a) 
>would make such files immediately visible. In such a case it would just 
>be necessary to specifically exclude any **/.hg/hgrc - as could happen 
>with repositories nested inside another repository's .hg directory, for 
>example versioned MQ storage.

I'm quite happy with '.hgrc', just not happy with reading this 
ancestor directories being default behaviour. Moving to 'hgrc' 
instead will introduce additional issues with backuped .hg/hgrc 
and global configuration files.

Actually, I think most flexible way to solve original problem is 
to add option like:

hgrc = ../.hgrc

into ~/.hgrc, instructing hg to read configuration file relative 
to repo root (or relative to .hg directory, keeping in mind the 
default '.hg/hgrc'). With this we basically get:

1. User knows about what will happen, so no POLA violation.
2. Only some known places should be examined when debugging 
configuration, no tree traversal by hand.

Maxim Dounin

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