[PATCH] Check for .hgrc files in ancestor directories above the repository

Peter Arrenbrecht peter.arrenbrecht at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 01:17:59 CST 2008

On Jan 11, 2008 4:50 AM, Jesse Glick <jesse.glick at sun.com> wrote:
> Maxim Dounin wrote:
> > As I said before I'm even fine with your previous patch if this will
> > be configurable and off by default (so user have to explicitly switch
> > this on). I suggested the solution above just as one more flexible.
> Well, if you need to configure it anyway, you might as well specify the
> actual filenames to include.

+1; I like hgrc better than .hgrc here anyway so plain ls sees it (as
you said before). This would leave me free to choose as I like.

If no one has a convincing argument for the full parent scan, I would
leave it out. Just more stuff to document and maintain.

> A security issue I just thought of: a malicious repository administrator
> (or committer to that repository) with knowledge of your includeconfig
> setting could commit a config file in the correct location in the root
> repository of a forest. If you fclone and then do an operation on a
> nested repo, you pick up those settings, which could include malicious
> hooks. I think this attack could be deterred by refusing to read include
> files which are inside a Hg working copy (e.g. with some ancestor dir
> with a .hg subdir).

Good point. And if people start clamouring for included hgrcs from
parent repos, we can always add the option, which they'll have to
enable explicitly. That, however, might mean that

../.hgrc =
../../.hgrc =

would be more flexible as it gives us a natural place to configure
options per included hgrc.


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