roundup problem?

Dov Feldstern dfeldstern at
Tue Jun 10 08:49:11 CDT 2008

All day I've been getting the following message while trying to add a comment to 
issue1149. I see there have been some new submissions today, so I'm not sure 
where the problem lies. Could someone look into this?


MessageSendError: Error: couldn't send email: mailhost (113, 'No route to 
host')	Python 2.4.4

A problem occurred while running a Python script. Here is the sequence of 
function calls leading up to the error, with the most recent (innermost) call 
first. The exception attributes are:
       __doc__ = None
       __getitem__ = <bound method MessageSendError.__getitem__ of 
<roundup.mailer.MessageSendError instance>>
       __init__ = <bound method MessageSendError.__init__ of 
<roundup.mailer.MessageSendError instance>>
       __module__ = 'roundup.mailer'
       __str__ = <bound method MessageSendError.__str__ of 
<roundup.mailer.MessageSendError instance>>
       args = ("Error: couldn't send email: mailhost (113, 'No route to host')",)

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/roundup/ in 
smtp_send(self=<roundup.mailer.Mailer instance>, to=['mpm at'], 
message=<cStringIO.StringO object>)
   182                               message.getvalue())
   183             except socket.error, value:
   184                 raise MessageSendError("Error: couldn't send email: "
       global MessageSendError = <class roundup.mailer.MessageSendError>, value 
= <socket.error instance>
   185                                        "mailhost %s"%value)
   186             except smtplib.SMTPException, msg:

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/roundup/ in 
standard_message(self=<roundup.mailer.Mailer instance>, to=['mpm at'], 
subject="Mercurial issue tracker: Error: couldn't send email: mailhost (113, 'No 
route to host')", content=<cStringIO.StringI object>, author=None)
    91         quopri.encode(content, body, 0)
    93         self.smtp_send(to, message)
       self = <roundup.mailer.Mailer instance>, global smtp_send = undefined, to 
= ['mpm at'], message = <cStringIO.StringO object>
    95     def bounce_message(self, bounced_message, to, error,

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/roundup/ in 
exception_message(self=<roundup.mailer.Mailer instance>)
   158         to = [self.config.ADMIN_EMAIL]
   159         content = '\n'.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
   160         self.standard_message(to, subject, content)
       self = <roundup.mailer.Mailer instance>, global standard_message = 
undefined, to = ['mpm at'], subject = "Mercurial issue tracker: Error: 
couldn't send email: mailhost (113, 'No route to host')", content = 'Traceback 
(most recent call last):\n\n File "/usr...t send email: mailhost (113, \'No 
route to host\')\n'
   162     def smtp_send(self, to, message):

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/roundup/cgi/ in 
inner_main(self=<roundup.cgi.client.Client instance>)
   312                 self.write_html(cgitb.html(i18n=self.translator))
   313             else:
   314                 self.mailer.exception_message()
       self = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance>, global mailer = undefined, 
global exception_message = undefined
   315                 return self.write_html(self._(error_message))

/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/roundup/cgi/ in 
main(self=<roundup.cgi.client.Client instance>)
   194         '''
   195         try:
   196             self.inner_main()
       self = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance>, global inner_main = undefined
   197         finally:
   198             if hasattr(self, 'db'):

/home/oxymoron/selenic/public_html/bugs/index.cgi in main(out=<open file 
'<stdout>', mode 'w'>, err=<open file '<stderr>', mode 'w'>)
   122             client = tracker.Client(tracker, request, os.environ)
   123             try:
   124                 client.main()
       client = <roundup.cgi.client.Client instance>, global main = <function main>
   125             except Unauthorised:
   126                 request.send_response(403)

   163     checkconfig()
   164     sys.stdout = sys.stderr = LOG
   165     main(out, err)
       main = <function main>, out = <open file '<stdout>', mode 'w'>, err = 
<open file '<stderr>', mode 'w'>
   166 except SystemExit:
   167     pass

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