[PATCH] clone/pull: abort on reserved filenames on Windows (2nd update)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 10:03:58 CDT 2008

On 13/06/2008, Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> wrote:
> Hmm. Not sure what you mean with this.
> First line of util_win32.py reads:
> # util_win32.py - utility functions that use win32 API

Ah, I'd forgotten that it was specifically to do with win32 API use.

> If it helps, I deliberately defined win_unsupported_path outside
>  if os.name == 'nt':
> because I think win_unsupported_path may be useful for future additions,
> which may call it even when running on non-Windows platforms. For example, an
> extension that warns users trying to push a file with a Windows reserved
> filename into a repo on a unix server (might be useful for mixed platform
> projects).

Yes, I follow your logic now. It sounds like your approach is fine,
then. Sorry for the noise.

> I am also thinking about potential changes to hg verify, for example
> we might output a notification message on "hg verify --debug" if there are files
> in the repo that have a Windows reserved filename -- even if the command
> is run on unix system.

That might be good. Maybe it could also check for potential filename
case conflicts, where these might make the repository unusable on a
folding filesystem?


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