[PATCH] introduce upath repositories (issue793)

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Wed Jun 18 07:49:25 CDT 2008

On 18/06/2008, Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at cadifra.com> wrote:
> As mpm laid out, best disk performance is achieved if the files in the
> store and in the working dir are in the same directory order
> (mpm: "Ideally, the store layout should roughly mirror the working dir layout").
> The current filename encoding (also upath as presented) uses "_x"
> to encode "X". Wouldn't it be a bit more efficient to do "X" -> "x_"?
> What was the reasoning for chosing "X" -> "_x" and not "X" -> "x_"?

My guess (and it's nothing more than that) is that it's related to this:

>>> 'x' < 'X'
>>> 'x' < '_x'
>>> 'x' < 'x_'


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