[PATCH] Strip out extraneous parts of the file path when doing a fetch from local repo

Jesse Glick jesse.glick at sun.com
Mon Mar 3 10:45:01 CST 2008

>>> On a second thought even http/ssh repos might contain private names

Indeed. There was already a bug fixed that fetch was including passwords 
in the message, but the URL of a network repo which is not publicly 
accessible might be considered sensitive information.

>>> so should the path be removed everywhere unless one configures
>>> fetch to enable it?

Perhaps. Regular pull makes no record of where the changesets were 
obtained from, so I don't see any compelling reason why fetch should either.

Patrick Mézard wrote:
> What about using the revision author name: "Automated merge with
> Alexis S. L. Carvalho"?

I don't follow this suggestion. Author of which revision? It is common 
(in my experience at least) to fetch dozens of revisions from various 
people, and this information is of little or no interest.

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