[Google SOC] Forests and named branches

Stefano stefano at inventati.org
Tue Mar 25 14:01:51 CDT 2008

Peter Arrenbrecht wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Stefano <stefano at inventati.org> wrote:
>>  I'm interested in the 'Repository forests' feature and the 'Improved
>>  named branches' one.
>>  I'm trying to take in all the work that needs to be done about them, but
>>  surely I'll need some time to
>>  discuss with everyone that is already working on them.
>>  As I said, this would be my first approach to a big project but you
>>  know, there's always a first time...
>>  Do let me know if you need more information about me and my skills.
> I don't know either of these two areas too well from personal
> experience, but I think in both of them there is a considerable amount
> of talk on the list right now about where to take them. So I fear that
> tackling both of them would be too much (in case that's what you meant
> to do).
I see... well, simply those tasks drew my attention...
I think I should explain why I decided to propose myself for SoC and why 
I chose Mercurial.

I'd like to contribute in a task that could allow me to become familiar 
with your
mechanisms of development and with open source development in general.

Mercurial has several aspects that make it my preferred organization, 
for instance:
- I use it, so I'm interested in its development
- it's written in Python and I'd like to code in Python
- it's widely used, so it shouldn't be too hard to get feedbacks from 
its active community

So, please let me know if you are aware of other tasks that could better 
meet mine and yours requirements!

> Also, I think you would have to do a fair amount of requirements
> gathering and moderating of the discussions on the list before you
> could start actually coding much (except maybe for prototypes). By
> moderating I mean things like trying to keep track of where the
> discussion is, maybe from time to time recapitulating the current
> propositions to refocus everyone, etc, apart from expounding your own
> ideas yourself. Are you ready for that? Quite possibly, your
> contribution will end up consisting less of code than of guiding the
> discussion towards a satisfactory design. So communication skills will
> be essential, I figure.
I think you're right, but you should consider that mercurial sources are 
something new to me, so
whether the task I'll choose it's my intention to take some time to 
gather requirements and suggestions.
Honestly, I don't know if such a task is within the reach of an 
'external student', here's where your experience
comes in, I figure.

It's not easy to point out what could be useful and feasible.
As I said, feel free to suggest other tasks.
> Oh, and have you already applied with the GSoC programme? Deadline is March 31.
> http://groups.google.com/group/google-summer-of-code-announce/web/guide-to-the-gsoc-web-app-for-student-applicants

I know, but in order to apply I need to define what I'm going to do, 
why, how, etc...
I don't have much time left, I'd appreciate if you could give me some 

Thank you for your time!



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