Python 2.6 report

Dirkjan Ochtman dirkjan at
Fri Oct 3 03:25:54 CDT 2008

Paul Moore <p.f.moore <at>> writes:
> I've just run the test suite with the newly released Python 2.6. The
> main issue is that os.popenXX is deprecated now, and issues a
> DeprecationWarning. No tests fail other than for this reason (I'm
> still trying to determine a good way of suppressing the warning
> globally, so that I can confirm this by an easier method than manually
> scanning the errors... 

I've looked at this a few times and fixed a bunch of the other problems
(deprecation of md5/sha in favor of hashlib, for example), and I'm pretty sure
the popen stuff is the only thing left now.

> Would a patch to use the subprocess module in preference to os.popenXX
> in Python 2.6 be useful? If so, I'll see what I can do.

My approach here was to stub a util.Popen that did emulation on top of popen2.*
for Python 2.3, but it's not very easy to do, I think.



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