The behavior of qpush (patch queue reordering)

Benjamin Smedberg bsmedberg at
Thu Sep 11 16:12:41 CDT 2008

I've been thinking about how MQ could allow for a more natural system for
reordering patches (something better than "edit the series file by hand"),
and what I thought of was a fairly simple change to the qpush command:

Currently when a user issues `hg qpush patchname`, it behaves just like `hg
qgoto patchname`, in that it applies all the intermediate patches in the series.

Instead, I think that `hg qpush patchname` should reorder the patch queue so
that 'patchname' is the next patch in the queue and then push it.

Does this sound like a reasonable proposal? With -m and a saved patch state,
the command would even be able to merge a patch forward, which would be
really useful if patches vaguely conflict with eachother.


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