PATCH: debug-test script (from wiki)

Martin Geisler mg at
Mon Apr 20 14:21:53 CDT 2009

Martin Geisler <mg at> writes:

> Greg Ward <greg-hg at> writes:
>> After hacking on Mercurial all weekend, I'm getting tired of grabbing
>> the the "debug-test" script from
>> for
>> every working clone.  And then I have to remember that tests/tmp is
>> full of ignoreable files.
> I think it's better to extend a little instead of
> maintaining an alternative test starter -- the debug-test script
> forgets to set the LANG environment variable and may differ from
> in other ways.
> Luckily, the script almost supports what debug-test does.
> This comes close:
>    ./ -v --keep-tmpdir --with-hg=../hg
> This still creates a random directory, but it now uses the hg just
> above the tests/ directory.

Ah, wait... I didn't look very closely at the output. The --with-hg
option does not take the path to the hg executable, but instead a base
directory where it expects to find bin/hg.

So I guess needs a bit more work before it can duplicate
the script.

Martin Geisler

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