EOL extension

Mark Hammond mhammond at skippinet.com.au
Tue Dec 1 17:48:41 CST 2009

On 2/12/2009 10:14 AM, timeless wrote:

>> If so, I could have work that I
>> couldn't push without rewriting my local history. That's nasty. (Is
>> that why you need mq above?)
> That's the general idea, yes. Either it's ok to have garbage in the
> repo, or not.

I think we all agree it is not.  I agree that server-side hooks are an 
excellent "last line of defense", but as Paul mentioned, preventing the 
garbage earlier is ideal.

>> 2. Commits to fix EOL breakage are icky. Not least because diffs that
>> show lines changing but the only change is to EOL format are also
>> icky. Let's aim to avoid EOL breakage getting into the repo in the
>> first place.
> Right. You can do this by having the same precommit hooks that the
> upstream repo has.

But this doesn't allow the Windows developer to use their native line 
endings locally.  I'd also go as far as to say it places an unnecessary 
and unfair burden on Windows developers when the tool should (and as we 
are seeing, can) help far more conveniently.



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