Case-folding check in add or commit

Diego Oliveira lokimad at
Tue Feb 10 07:45:02 CST 2009

Hello all,

        I'm having problems here in the company I work in using mercurial, I
got the mercurial source to try to solve. The case is the following, we work
basically on Windows machines and once in a while somebody rename the file
just changing it's case. Everything goes fine, the user can commit and
continue working, our nightmare starts when other developer checkout that
source, it starts a case-folding collision.

       I think that may have some validations in the add or commit commands
if it is running on a system where case folding problems may happen, warning
to the user the possible problem situation. I'm almost done but I want to
know if there is somebody else doing something like that.

Thanks in advanced,
Diego de Oliveira
System Architect
diego at
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