mercurial-1.3.1 self-test fails on fedora

Martin Geisler mg at
Fri Jul 24 09:40:07 CDT 2009

Mads Kiilerich <mads at> writes:

> On 07/24/2009 02:22 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
>> + /usr/bin/python
>> .............................s....................sssssss.sssssss..s...ssss.ssssssss.............................................s......................s.
>> ERROR: test-http output changed
> The Mercurial test suite is not unit tests testing small parts of the
> code in artificial situations in 100% reproducible environments.
> Instead it tests the whole Mercurial system in real use cases, and it
> thus tests differently and catches many bugs that unit tests wouldn't
> have caught - including some bugs that isn't there.

Well put! I see failures in the HTTP tests quite often here, especially
after upgrading my machine. But they always go away when I re-run the
tests so I attribute them to weird stuff like network ports not being
closed fast enough or stuff like that.

Martin Geisler

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