[PATCH] convert: fix cvsnt mergepoint referring synthetic parent

Henrik Stuart hg at hstuart.dk
Wed Jun 3 23:24:03 CDT 2009

Greg Ward skrev:
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 8:47 AM, I wrote:
>> On a related note, test-convert-cvs-builtincvsps-cvsnt-mergepoints is
>> not executable and its name is a mouthful.  How about a patch to chmod
>> +x it and rename to test-convert-cvsnt-mergepoints?
> I may have spoken too soon: when I chmod +x
> test-convert-cvs-builtincvsps-cvsnt-mergepoints and run it, it fails:
> ERROR: test-convert-cvs-builtincvsps-cvsnt-mergepoints output changed
> --- Expected output
> +++ Test output
> @@ -26,15 +26,13 @@
>  checking in
>  new revision:; previous revision:
>  U foo.txt
> -checking in
> -new revision:; previous revision: 1.1
>  rcsmerge: warning: conflicts during merge
>  merging MYBRANCH1
>  retrieving revision 1.1
>  retrieving revision
>  Merging differences between 1.1 and into foo.txt
>  checking in
> -new revision:; previous revision:
> +new revision:; previous revision: 1.1
>  U foo.txt
>  merging MYBRANCH1_2
>  retrieving revision 1.1
> !..
> Failed test-convert-cvs-builtincvsps-cvsnt-mergepoints: output changed
> The first diff looks like one of those arbitrary differences in CVS
> output across platforms/versions.  The second one could be more
> serious.

It's more likely that it's a matter of missing sleep instructions. My
machine is adequately slow so I don't get any errors. Could you verify
that you don't have any local changes and then try to add a "sleep 1"
instruction in the cvscall function and see whether that fixes it.

I've tested it both on CVSNT and GNU CVS, so unless you're using
something entirely different I wouldn't expect seeing any output

Kind regards,
  Henrik Stuart

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