Versioning builds from repos

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Wed Jun 24 18:13:36 CDT 2009

On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 00:59:30 +0200, Mads Kiilerich <mads at> wrote:
> For "nightly builds" the date can be used as an increasing version
> number. But this scheme breaks down if one day more than one build has
> to be made. And such version numbers are not related to the repo
> content.

> I think it would be nice if both the rpm version and the version 
> reported by hg could be something like "1.2.1-917-f0a7accf1d68".

Solaris uses something that is nice for package revisions.  The package
revision includes the date formatted like '' IIRC.  So the
nightly builds can have a version like 1.2.1-917-f0a7accf1d68,2009.06.25.10
or something to that effect.

> Do you have any thoughts or comments about this?

I think build numbers are inherently project- and team-specific.  Having
said that, a nice scheme for nightly Mercurial builds that works across
platforms and can be used for builds in Linux, BSD, Solaris and Windows
would be very good indeed.

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