Mercurial 1.2.1 Makefiles + patch

Martin Geisler mg at
Thu Jun 25 03:49:02 CDT 2009

Ralesk <ralesk at> writes:

> I found that the Makefile is in some places not DESTDIR-aware,

I don't know much about that part.

> and the default action seems to be the help page rather than the more
> common (and expected) 'make all'.

I know it's not standard, but I've always liked how 'make' gives the
help text instead of trying to build Mercurial in a way which is
probably not helpful -- simply running ' build' does nothing
interesting for me, instead I always use 'make local'.

>  I also made the PREFIX only become /usr/local if it's not been
> defined, this way I can tell from the outside (without editing the
> Makefile further) where I want to install Hg, without changing the
> default behaviour in this aspect.

I think it's because you're setting the variable the wrong way:

  % make PREFIX=foo

correctly overrides the PREFIX variable in the help output.

Martin Geisler

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