questions as a diff

timeless timeless at
Sun Mar 1 08:42:14 CST 2009

Unlike most diffs, this diff is not meant to be committed. It's a
series of questions I formulated which djc wasn't able to answer
before he pushed my changes.

could people please comment about the items tagged w/ XXX?

diff --git a/hgext/ b/hgext/
--- a/hgext/
+++ b/hgext/
@@ -195,20 +195,28 @@ def patchbomb(ui, repo, *revs, **opts):

     hg email -r 3000          # send patch 3000 only
     hg email -r 3000 -r 3001  # send patches 3000 and 3001
     hg email -r 3000:3005     # send patches 3000 through 3005
     hg email 3000             # send patch 3000 (deprecated)

     hg email -o               # send all patches not in default
     hg email -o DEST          # send all patches not in DEST
     hg email -o -r 3000       # send all ancestors of 3000 not in default
     hg email -o -r 3000 DEST  # send all ancestors of 3000 not in DEST
+XXX i'm told this is supposed to match hg help push -r
+-r --rev        a specific revision up to which you would like to push
+   If -r is used, the named changeset and all its ancestors will
+   to the remote repository.
+However, the text doesn't, isn't consistent, etc., if it means the same thing,
+please be kind to your localizers and make it say precisely the same thing as
+best as possible, and if you have trouble spell it out "this matches the
+behavior of ...".

     hg email -b               # send bundle of all patches not in default
     hg email -b DEST          # send bundle of all patches not in DEST
     hg email -b -r 3000       # bundle of all ancestors of 3000 not in default
     hg email -b -r 3000 DEST  # bundle of all ancestors of 3000 not in DEST

     Before using this command, you will need to enable email in your hgrc.
     See the [email] section in hgrc(5) for details.

diff --git a/mercurial/ b/mercurial/
--- a/mercurial/
+++ b/mercurial/
@@ -49,20 +49,21 @@ helptable = (

     (["patterns"], _("File Name Patterns"),
     Mercurial accepts several notations for identifying one or more
     files at a time.

     By default, Mercurial treats filenames as shell-style extended
     glob patterns.

     Alternate pattern notations must be specified explicitly.
+XXX should be in a paragraph, and probably reworded to sound more
like a sentence.

     To use a plain path name without any pattern matching, start it
     with "path:". These path names must completely match starting at
     the current repository root.

     To use an extended glob, start a name with "glob:". Globs are
     rooted at the current directory; a glob such as "*.c" will only
     match files in the current directory ending with ".c".

     The supported glob syntax extensions are "**" to match any string
@@ -101,39 +102,45 @@ HG::
     exutable's name if it's frozen, or an executable named 'hg'
     (with %PATHEXT% [defaulting to COM/EXE/BAT/CMD] extensions on
     Windows) is searched.

     This is the name of the editor to run when committing. See EDITOR.

     (deprecated, use .hgrc)

-    This overrides the default locale setting detected by Mercurial.
+    This supercedes the encoding derived from the locale setting
+    detected by Mercurial.
+XXX the original text pretended ENCODING and LOCALE were equivalent.
+I'm assuming that LOCALE includes translation (and as such was a superset)
+If I'm wrong. Fix the message some other way or explain what it actually
+meant and I'll figure out something else.
     This setting is used to convert data including usernames,
     changeset descriptions, tag names, and branches. This setting can
     be overridden with the --encoding command-line option.

     This sets Mercurial's behavior for handling unknown characters
     while transcoding user input. The default is "strict", which
     causes Mercurial to abort if it can't map a character. Other
     settings include "replace", which replaces unknown characters, and
     "ignore", which drops them. This setting can be overridden with
     the --encodingmode command-line option.

     An executable to use for resolving merge conflicts. The program
     will be executed with three arguments: local file, remote file,
     ancestor file.

     (deprecated, use .hgrc)
+XXX isn't there a command line option for this?

     A list of files or directories to search for hgrc files. Item
     separator is ":" on Unix, ";" on Windows. If HGRCPATH is not set,
     platform default search path is used. If empty, only the .hg/hgrc
     from the current repository is read.

     For each element in HGRCPATH:
     * if it's a directory, all directories ending with .rc are added
     * otherwise, the directory itself will be added
@@ -277,32 +284,35 @@ PYTHONPATH::
         $ hg log -r1 --template "{node}\n"

     Strings in curly braces are called keywords. The availability of
     keywords depends on the exact context of the templater. These keywords
     are usually available for templating a log-like command:

     - author: String. The unmodified author of the changeset.
     - branches: String. The name of the branch on which the changeset
           was committed. Will be empty if the branch name was default.
+XXX what if there's more than one?
+XXX if not, isn't this horribly misnamed? if so, the help should note that
     - date: Date information. The date when the changeset was committed.
     - desc: String. The text of the changeset description.
     - files: List of strings. All files modified, added, or removed by
           this changeset.
     - file_adds: List of strings. Files added by this changeset.
     - file_mods: List of strings. Files modified by this changeset.
     - file_dels: List of strings. Files removed by this changeset.
     - node: String. The changeset identification hash, as a 40-character
           hexadecimal string.
     - parents: List of strings. The parents of the changeset.
     - rev: Integer. The repository-local changeset revision number.
-    - tags: List of strings. Any tags associated with the changeset.
+    - tags: List of strings. All tags associated with the changeset.
+XXX in general, only some of these explain what happens for
empty/default cases.

     The "date" keyword does not produce human-readable output. If you
     want to use a date in your output, you can use a filter to process it.
     Filters are functions which return a string based on the input variable.
     You can also use a chain of filters to get the desired output:

        $ hg tip --template "{date|isodate}\n"
        2008-08-21 18:22 +0000

     List of filters:
@@ -319,71 +329,79 @@ PYTHONPATH::
           the timezone: "Mon Sep 04 15:13:13 2006 0700".
     - domain: Any text. Finds the first string that looks like an email
           address, and extracts just the domain component.
           Example: 'User <user at>' becomes ''.
     - email: Any text. Extracts the first string that looks like an email
           address. Example: 'User <user at>' becomes
           'user at'.
     - escape: Any text. Replaces the special XML/XHTML characters "&",
           "<" and ">" with XML entities.
     - fill68: Any text. Wraps the text to fit in 68 columns.
+XXX what does it do if there are 70 -'s in a row?
+how does it choose where to wrap? surprise me?
     - fill76: Any text. Wraps the text to fit in 76 columns.
+XXX 80?
     - firstline: Any text. Returns the first line of text.
+XXX is this operating on lists or lines, or lists with entries w/ multilines?
     - hgdate: Date. Returns the date as a pair of numbers:
           "1157407993 25200" (Unix timestamp, timezone offset).
     - isodate: Date. Returns the date in ISO 8601 format.
     - obfuscate: Any text. Returns the input text rendered as a sequence
           of XML entities.
     - person: Any text. Returns the text before an email address.
+XXX example
     - rfc822date: Date. Returns a date using the same format used
           in email headers.
     - short: Changeset hash. Returns the short form of a changeset hash,
           i.e. a 12-byte hexadecimal string.
     - shortdate: Date. Returns a date like "2006-09-18".
     - strip: Any text. Strips all leading and trailing whitespace.
     - tabindent: Any text. Returns the text, with every line except the
           first starting with a tab character.
     - urlescape: Any text. Escapes all "special" characters. For example,
           "foo bar" becomes "foo%20bar".
     - user: Any text. Returns the user portion of an email address.

     (['urls'], _('Url Paths'),
     Valid URLs are of the form:

       local/filesystem/path (or file://local/filesystem/path)
+XXX local=localhost? (there's a lot of confusion about how to
properly write file://localhost/path/)

     Paths in the local filesystem can either point to Mercurial
     repositories or to bundle files (as created by 'hg bundle' or
     'hg incoming --bundle').
+XXX paths outside the local file system can't point to bundles?

     An optional identifier after # indicates a particular branch, tag,
     or changeset to use from the remote repository.

     Some features, such as pushing to http:// and https:// URLs are
     only possible if the feature is explicitly enabled on the
     remote Mercurial server.

     Some notes about using SSH with Mercurial:
     - SSH requires an accessible shell account on the destination machine
       and a copy of hg in the remote path or specified with as remotecmd.
     - path is relative to the remote user's home directory by default.
       Use an extra slash at the start of a path to specify an absolute path:
     - Mercurial doesn't use its own compression via SSH; the right thing
       to do is to configure it in your ~/.ssh/config, e.g.:
         Host *
           Compression no
+XXX why are you turning off local compression here w/o explanation?
         Host *
           Compression yes
       Alternatively specify "ssh -C" as your ssh command in your hgrc or
       with the --ssh command line option.

     These urls can all be stored in your hgrc with path aliases under the
     [paths] section like so:
     alias1 = URL1
     alias2 = URL2

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