[PATCH] convert: Perforce source for conversion to Mercurial

Frank Kingswood frank at kingswood-consulting.co.uk
Mon Mar 2 06:44:20 CST 2009

# HG changeset patch
# User Frank Kingswood <frank at kingswood-consulting.co.uk>
# Date 1235997678 0
# Node ID 852debd905983055d209265dc8433f204da14fc5
# Parent  5b010dae99c3cc518364ca4f8422762342285a97
convert: Perforce source for conversion to Mercurial
Take four:
 - fixed some language in messages
 - now stores all P4 change IDs in extras field of log
 - added a (simple) testcase
 - make testcase executable and verify

diff --git a/hgext/convert/__init__.py b/hgext/convert/__init__.py
--- a/hgext/convert/__init__.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/__init__.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
     - Monotone [mtn]
     - GNU Arch [gnuarch]
     - Bazaar [bzr]
+    - Perforce [p4]
     Accepted destination formats [identifiers]:
     - Mercurial [hg]
@@ -168,6 +169,20 @@
     --config convert.svn.startrev=0           (svn revision number)
         specify start Subversion revision.
+    Perforce Source
+    ---------------
+    The Perforce (P4) importer does a straight import, ignoring labels,
+    branches and integrations. It will set a tag on the final changeset
+    referencing the Perforce changelist number.
+    It is possible to limit the amount of source history to be converted
+    by specifying an initial Perforce revision.
+    --config convert.p4.startrev=0           (perforce changelist number)
+        specify initial Perforce revision.
     Mercurial Destination
diff --git a/hgext/convert/convcmd.py b/hgext/convert/convcmd.py
--- a/hgext/convert/convcmd.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/convcmd.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from monotone import monotone_source
 from gnuarch import gnuarch_source
 from bzr import bzr_source
+from p4 import p4_source
 import filemap
 import os, shutil
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@
     ('mtn', monotone_source),
     ('gnuarch', gnuarch_source),
     ('bzr', bzr_source),
+    ('p4', p4_source),
 sink_converters = [
diff --git a/hgext/convert/p4.py b/hgext/convert/p4.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hgext/convert/p4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Perforce source for convert extension.
+# Copyright 2009, Frank Kingswood <frank at kingswood-consulting.co.uk>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
+# of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference.
+from mercurial import util
+from mercurial.i18n import _
+from common import commit, converter_source, checktool
+import marshal
+def loaditer(f):
+    try:
+        d = marshal.load(f)
+        while d:
+            yield d
+            d = marshal.load(f)
+    except EOFError, e:
+        pass
+class p4_source(converter_source):
+    def __init__(self, ui, path, rev=None):
+        super(p4_source, self).__init__(ui, path, rev=rev)
+        checktool('p4')
+        self.p4changes = {}
+        self.heads = {}
+        self.changeset = {}
+        self.files = {}
+        self.tags = {}
+        self.lastbranch = {}
+        self.parent = {}
+        self.encoding = "latin_1"
+        self.depotname={}           # mapping from local name to depot name
+        self._parse(ui, path)
+    def _parse_view(self, path):
+        "Read changes affecting the path"
+        cmd = "p4 -G changes -s submitted %s" % path
+        stdout = util.popen(cmd)
+        for f in loaditer(stdout):
+            c = f.get("change", None)
+            if c:
+                self.p4changes[c] = True
+    def _parse(self, ui, path):
+        "Prepare list of P4 filenames and revisions to import"
+        ui.status(_('reading p4 views\n'))
+        # read client spec or view
+        if "/" in path:
+            self._parse_view(path)
+            if path.startswith("//") and path.endswith("/..."):
+                views = {path[:-3]:""}
+            else:
+                views = {"//":""}
+        else:
+            cmd = "p4 -G client -o %s" % path
+            clientspec = marshal.load(util.popen(cmd))
+            views = {}
+            for x in clientspec:
+                if x.startswith("View"):
+                    sview, cview = clientspec[x].split()
+                    self._parse_view(sview)
+                    if sview.endswith("...") and cview.endswith("..."):
+                        sview = sview[:-3]
+                        cview = cview[:-3]
+                    cview = cview[2:]
+                    cview = cview[cview.find("/") + 1:]
+                    views[sview] = cview
+        # list of changes that affect our source files
+        self.p4changes = [x for x in self.p4changes]
+        self.p4changes.sort(key = int)
+        # list with depot pathnames, longest first
+        vieworder = [x for x in views]
+        vieworder.sort(key = lambda x:-len(x))
+        # handle revision limiting
+        startrev = self.ui.config('convert', 'p4.startrev', default=0)
+        self.p4changes = [x for x in self.p4changes 
+                          if ((not startrev or int(x)>=int(startrev)) and 
+                              (not self.rev or int(x)<=int(self.rev)))]
+        # now read the full changelists to get the list of file revisions
+        ui.status(_('collecting p4 changelists\n'))
+        lastid = None
+        for id in self.p4changes:
+            cmd = "p4 -G describe %s" % id
+            stdout = util.popen(cmd)
+            f = marshal.load(stdout)
+            del stdout
+            shortdesc = desc = self.recode(f["desc"])
+            i = shortdesc.find("\n")
+            if i != -1:
+                shortdesc = shortdesc[:i]
+            t = '%s %s' % (f["change"], repr(shortdesc)[1:-1])
+            ui.status(util.ellipsis(t, 80) + '\n')
+            if lastid:
+                parents = [lastid]
+            else:
+                parents = []
+            date = (int(f["time"]), 0)     # timezone not set
+            c = commit(author=self.recode(f["user"]), date=util.datestr(date),
+                        parents=parents, desc=desc, branch='', extra={"p4":id})
+            files = []
+            i = 0
+            while "depotFile%d" % i in f and "rev%d" % i:
+                oldname = f["depotFile%d" % i]
+                filename = None
+                for v in vieworder:
+                    if oldname.startswith(v):
+                        filename = views[v] + oldname[len(v):]
+                        break
+                if filename:
+                    files.append((filename, f["rev%d" % i]))
+                    self.depotname[filename] = oldname
+                i += 1
+            self.changeset[id] = c
+            self.files[id] = files
+            lastid = id
+        if lastid:
+            self.heads = [lastid]
+    def getheads(self):
+        return self.heads
+    def getfile(self, file, rev):
+        cmd = "p4 -G print %s#%s" % (self.depotname[file], rev)
+        stdout = util.popen(cmd)
+        mode = None
+        data = ""
+        for f in loaditer(stdout):
+            if f["code"] == "stat":
+                if "+x" in f["type"]:
+                    mode = "x"
+                else:
+                    mode = ""
+            elif f["code"] == "text":
+                data += f["data"]
+        if mode is None:
+            raise IOError()
+        self.modecache[(file, rev)] = mode
+        return data
+    def getmode(self, file, rev):
+        return self.modecache[(file, rev)]
+    def getchanges(self, rev):
+        self.modecache = {}
+        return self.files[rev], {}
+    def getcommit(self, rev):
+        return self.changeset[rev]
+    def gettags(self):
+        return self.tags
+    def getchangedfiles(self, rev, i):
+        return util.sort([x[0] for x in self.files[rev]])
diff --git a/tests/hghave b/tests/hghave
--- a/tests/hghave
+++ b/tests/hghave
@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@
     except ImportError:
         return False
+def has_p4():
+    return matchoutput('p4 -V', r'Rev\. P4/') and matchoutput('p4d -V', r'Rev\. P4D/')
 def has_symlink():
     return hasattr(os, "symlink")
@@ -173,6 +176,7 @@
     "lsprof": (has_lsprof, "python lsprof module"),
     "mtn": (has_mtn, "monotone client (> 0.31)"),
     "outer-repo": (has_outer_repo, "outer repo"),
+    "p4": (has_p4, "Perforce server and client"),
     "pygments": (has_pygments, "Pygments source highlighting library"),
     "svn": (has_svn, "subversion client and admin tools"),
     "svn-bindings": (has_svn_bindings, "subversion python bindings"),
diff --git a/tests/test-convert-p4 b/tests/test-convert-p4
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-convert-p4
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+"$TESTDIR/hghave" p4 || exit 80
+echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
+echo "convert = " >> $HGRCPATH
+echo % create p4 depot
+export P4ROOT=$PWD/depot
+export P4AUDIT=$P4ROOT/audit
+export P4JOURNAL=$P4ROOT/journal
+export P4LOG=$P4ROOT/log
+export P4PORT=localhost:16661
+export P4DEBUG=1
+echo % start the p4 server
+[ ! -d $P4ROOT ] && mkdir $P4ROOT
+p4d -f -J off >$P4ROOT/stdout 2>$P4ROOT/stderr &
+trap "echo % stop the p4 server ; p4 admin stop" EXIT
+# wait for the server to initialize
+sleep 1
+echo % create a client spec
+export P4CLIENT=hg-p4-import
+p4 client -o | sed '/^View:/,$ d' >p4client
+echo View: >>p4client
+echo " $DEPOTPATH //$P4CLIENT/..." >>p4client
+p4 client -i <p4client
+echo % populate the depot
+echo a > a
+mkdir b
+echo c > b/c
+p4 add a b/c
+p4 submit -d initial
+echo % change some files
+p4 edit a
+echo aa >> a
+p4 submit -d "change a"
+p4 edit b/c
+echo cc >> b/c
+p4 submit -d "change b/c"
+echo % convert
+hg convert -s p4 $DEPOTPATH dst
+hg -R dst log --template 'rev=#rev# desc="#desc#" tags="#tags#" files="#files#"\n'
+echo % change some files
+p4 edit a b/c
+echo aaa >> a
+echo ccc >> b/c
+p4 submit -d "change a b/c"
+echo % convert again
+hg convert -s p4 $DEPOTPATH dst
+hg -R dst log --template 'rev=#rev# desc="#desc#" tags="#tags#" files="#files#"\n'
diff --git a/tests/test-convert-p4.out b/tests/test-convert-p4.out
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-convert-p4.out
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+% create p4 depot
+% start the p4 server
+% create a client spec
+Client hg-p4-import saved.
+% populate the depot
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/a#1 - opened for add
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#1 - opened for add
+Submitting change 1.
+Locking 2 files ...
+add //depot/test-mercurial-import/a#1
+add //depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#1
+Change 1 submitted.
+% change some files
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/a#1 - opened for edit
+Submitting change 2.
+Locking 1 files ...
+edit //depot/test-mercurial-import/a#2
+Change 2 submitted.
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#1 - opened for edit
+Submitting change 3.
+Locking 1 files ...
+edit //depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#2
+Change 3 submitted.
+% convert
+initializing destination dst repository
+reading p4 views
+collecting p4 changelists
+1 initial
+2 change a
+3 change b/c
+scanning source...
+2 initial
+1 change a
+0 change b/c
+rev=2 desc="change b/c" tags="tip" files="b/c"
+rev=1 desc="change a" tags="" files="a"
+rev=0 desc="initial" tags="" files="a b/c"
+% change some files
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/a#2 - opened for edit
+//depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#2 - opened for edit
+Submitting change 4.
+Locking 2 files ...
+edit //depot/test-mercurial-import/a#3
+edit //depot/test-mercurial-import/b/c#3
+Change 4 submitted.
+% convert again
+reading p4 views
+collecting p4 changelists
+1 initial
+2 change a
+3 change b/c
+4 change a b/c
+scanning source...
+0 change a b/c
+rev=3 desc="change a b/c" tags="tip" files="a b/c"
+rev=2 desc="change b/c" tags="" files="b/c"
+rev=1 desc="change a" tags="" files="a"
+rev=0 desc="initial" tags="" files="a b/c"
+% stop the p4 server

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