allow_read not working

Julio César Rocha julio.rocha at
Fri Nov 6 04:24:42 CST 2009

Greetings. I have a Linux/Apache/HgWeb standard installation.

I am using authorization via htpasswd generated file (used the procedure on
the wiki page "PublishingRepositories")

I can configure push authorization via http correctly. I get a password
prompt and if I use the correct username and password, the push command will
execute successfully.

However, mercurial seems to be ignoring my allow_read user list. It only
works if I omit it or use the '*' value.
I know a similar message was posted before, but it is supposed to be
resolved and still doesn't work for me. Please help.

Note: I already tried using the default mercurial package which is version
1.3.1 (installed from apt-get, my OS is Ubuntu) AND building from the 1.3.1
source. The behavior is the same.

Here is the hgrc content:

username = <myname>@<mydomain>

allow_push = <myname>
allow_read = <myname>
push_ssl = false

The output (I repeat: pushing works fine!!!)
hg clone http://<myserver>/hgwebdir.cgi/test
destination directory: test
requesting all changes
abort: authorization failed

Using the -v and --debug flags doesn't seem to throw any useful additional
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