I'm confused about --close-branch

Gilles Moris gilles.moris at free.fr
Wed Nov 11 12:24:14 CST 2009

On Wednesday 11 November 2009 06:33:41 pm CG Linden wrote:
> So, what is the point of closed branches?

I think the option only closes named branches, not anonymous heads.
And your 2 heads are on the same 'default' named branch.
Other people might confirm, as I do not use names branches.
There have been some talks about extending that to heads I think, but nothing 

Regarding the message about crossing branches, it will be allowed in the 
upcoming version 1.4 with no option provided you give the revision and that 
you do not have local changes. So
hg up tip
will work and cross heads, but
hg up
will still fail.

From your error message, you are probably running version 1.3.1 or lower.
To update to a different head, you need the --check option:
hg up -c


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