expected test failures?

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Fri Nov 20 08:43:54 CST 2009

On 11/20/2009 01:42 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
> Before pushing 1.4 to fedora updates, I want to verify the test results.
> There are a bunch of failures, but looking at the diffs, it looks to me that
> the differences are just line wrapping differences.
> I'm guessing these are ignorable?  I hope these tests can be fixed.
> Skipped test-casefolding: missing feature: case insensitive file system
> Skipped test-convert-baz: missing feature: GNU Arch baz client
> Skipped test-convert-darcs: missing feature: darcs client
> Skipped test-convert-mtn: missing feature: monotone client (>  0.31)
> Skipped test-convert-p4: missing feature: Perforce server and client
> Skipped test-convert-p4-filetypes: missing feature: Perforce server and
> client
> Skipped test-convert-tla: missing feature: GNU Arch tla client
> Skipped test-no-symlinks: system supports symbolic links
> Failed test-convert: output changed
> Failed test-dispatch: output changed
> Failed test-extdiff: output changed
> Failed test-help: output changed
> Failed test-mq: output changed
> Failed test-notify: output changed
> Failed test-rebase-parameters: output changed
> Failed test-record: output changed
> # Ran 355 tests, 8 skipped, 8 failed.

I don't see any failures, neither on F11 nor F12 (except 
test-convert-svn-branches which is known).

Exactly how do you run the tests?

Can you post (fpaste?) the failures?


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