Shadow repositories

Michael Tharp gxti at
Sun Apr 4 18:14:38 CDT 2010

On 04/04/2010 07:08 PM, Isaac Jurado wrote:
 > Then you are talking about dissociating history from storage, and I
 > think Bazaar is the only DVCS capable of that.

Mercurial *can* support it, because I wrote a half-assed extension to do 
it. It reduces the repository to a bucket of changesets (shared) and a 
pointer to which one is the head (not shared).

 > Nevertheless, the "Share" extension allows you to have two different
 > checkouts of the same repository, maybe one checkout per head.  In more
 > technical terms: the dirstate is independent from each working
 > copworking copy; correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right, but that's not my goal.


-- m. tharp

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