[PATCH 2 of 2] graphlog: draw graphs in give order

Vishakh Harikumar vsh426 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 17:50:46 CDT 2010

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:28 PM, Peter Arrenbrecht <
peter.arrenbrecht at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here's what I use in pbranch, which also has to deal with adding more
> than one column (for octopus merges at the branch level):
> def octopusasciiedges(nodes, joinchar='\\'):
>    """grapher for ascii() on a list of nodes and their parents
>    nodes must generate tuples (node, type, (char, lines), parents) where
>     - parents must generate the parents of node, in sorted order,
>     - char is the char to print as the node symbol, and
>     - lines are the lines to display next to the node.
>    Inserts artificial lines with joinchar as marker to make room
>    when a node has >2 parents.
>    Extension of graphlog.asciiedges().
>    """
> -parren

The following code might be able to handle the normal, reverse and
octopusmerge graphs. Its still a work in progress.

def asciiedges(seen, rev, children):
    """adds edge info to changelog DAG walk suitable for ascii()"""
    edges = []
    if rev in seen[1]:
            parent = seen[1].pop(rev)
            pidx = seen[0].index(parent)
            if rev in seen[0]:
                edges.append((seen[0].index(rev), pidx))
                seen[0].insert(pidx, rev)
                if seen[1].values().count(parent) == 0:
                    edges.append((pidx, -2))
    elif rev not in seen[0]:
    nodeidx = seen[0].index(rev)

    ncols = len(seen[0])
    for c in children[:]:
        if c in seen[0]:
            edges.append((nodeidx, seen[0].index(c)))
        elif c in seen[1]:
            parent = seen[1].pop(c)
            pidx = seen[0].index(parent)
            if seen[1].values().count(parent) > 0:
                seen[1][c] = parent
                seen[0][pidx] = c
                edges.append((nodeidx, pidx))

    if children:
        edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx))
        if len(children) > 1:
            edges.append((nodeidx, nodeidx + 1))
        if len(children) > 2:
            for c in children[1:]:
                seen[1][c] = rev
            children.insert(0, rev)
    seen[0][nodeidx: nodeidx + 1] = children

    nmorecols = len(seen[0]) - ncols
    return nodeidx, edges, ncols, nmorecols

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