[RFC] revision sets

Bill Barry after.fallout at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 09:39:01 CDT 2010

Matt Mackall wrote:
> You must be new here. There's nothing we care about being
> backward-compatible with. Mercurial is not a library and explicitly has
> no stable API. We only care about Mercurial's internal API being
> friendly for Mercurial's future development. If you decide to link to
> Mercurial internals, then you have to expect things to break on a
> regular basis because we're not going to stop improving the core any
> time soon.
> There are three kinds of backward compatibility in the world:
> - the kind offered by Mercurial's command line API where you should
> expect things to work forever or get lots of advanced notice that
> they'll be breaking
This was exactly what I was talking about. Keeping this without any 
required extra effort is a good thing (for one example it has less 
opportunity to introduce bugs). I don't care about the backward 
compatibility inside the codebase, just at the CLI level.
>>  step 4: eval this statement
> eval is banned from use in hg. And regex parsing is insufficient to
> properly handle the quoting and nesting requirements here.
It doesn't have to be eval, that was just the easy way out. you could 
almost as easily push the method calls onto a stack and use getattr instead.

without regexes (though I think they could have been used just as easily 
as the simple tokenizer below) or eval, still not a formal grammer of 
any kind (again the usual warnings about untested code and the fact that 
python isn't a language I feel strong with):

class revfinder(object):
    unquoteddelims = "()\t\n \"'"
    def __init__(self, repo, query):
            descendant(parent2(1.0)) and ancestor(2.0)
            and author(george) and sorted('date') and reversed()
            [reversed, [sorted, [andf, [andf, [descendant, parent2, "1.0"],
            ancestor, "2.0"], author, "george"], "date"]]
        charstack = []
        delimiters = unquoteddelims
        tokens = []
        for char in query:
            if delimiters.find(char) != -1:
                token = chartoken = ''.join(charstack)
                if chartoken:
                    charstack = []
                    if token=='and' or token=='or':
                        token = token+'f'
                    if delimiters == unquoteddelims:
                            token = getattr(self, token)
                        except AttributeError:
                    if isinstance(string, tokens[-1]):
                        tokens[-1] = ' '.join([tokens[-1], chartoken])
                        # could use tags on the functions to determine 
which case here
                        # doing so would allow plugins to extend 
(examples: xor, except, ...)
                        if chartoken=='and' or chartoken=='or':
                            # infix operation
                            tokens = [token].append(tokens)
                        elif chartoken=='sorted' or chartoken=='reversed':
                            # whole-list nonfiltering operations
                            tokens = [token, tokens[1]]
                            # other
                if char=='"':
                    if token[-1]=="\\":
                        charstack = [chartoken, char]
                    elif delimiters = char:
                        delimiters = unquoteddelims
                        delimiters = char
                elif char=="'":
                    if delimiters = char:
                        delimiters = unquoteddelims
        self.statement = tokens

    def evalstmt(self):
        tokens = self.statement
        return self.run(tokens[0], tokens[1:])
    def run(self, func, args):
        if isinstance(list, args[-1]):
            args[-1] = self.run(args[-1][0], args[-1][1:])
        if len(args) > 2:
            if isinstance(list, args[1]):
                args[1] = self.run(args[1][0], args[1][1:])
        while len(args) >= 2 and callable(args[-2]):
            # heres hoping lists and strings are not callable
            args[-2:-1] = args[-2](args[-1])
        return func(*args)
        # does self need to be a parameter here somewhere
        # or is it implicitly included because of the getattr done?

    def andf(self, set1, set2):
        pass #not interested in writing these right now
    def orf(self, set1, set2):
    def reversed(self, changes):
    def sorted(self, changes, key):
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