Integrating bfiles status with 'hg status' (proposal)

Anton Markov anton.markov at
Thu Feb 4 13:17:27 CST 2010

Here are some thoughts about how 'hg bfstatus' could be integrated with 'hg
status'. For now,  I am mostly looking for feedback on the functionality,
but any suggestions on implementation are also welcome.

Example setup:
$ touch bfile.bin textfile.txt
$ hg bfadd bfile.bin
$ hg add textfile.txt

Without integration:

$ hg status
A .hgfiles/bfile.bin
A textfile.txt

$ hg bfstatus
BPA bfile.bin

Auto-status integration would be enabled with a config file option:

$ cat > .hg/hgrc
autostatus = true

With integration enabled:

$ hg status
BPA bfile.bin
--A textfile.txt

$ hg status --bfile-placeholders
BHA .hgfiles/bfile.bin
BPA bfile.bin
--A textfile.txt

$ hg status --bfiles-ignore
A .hgfiles/bfile.bin
A textfile.txt

Note that 'hg status' has a lot of options that 'hg bfstatus' does not have.
The filtering options will probably be easy to implement. Comparing
arbitrary revisions will be more difficult. Tracking of copies in bfiles is
not supported yet.

Open question: should we warn the user if they use an option that is not
fully integrated with bfiles?

I discuss the 'hg status' option integration in a bit more detail on 
under "Handling 'hg status' options".


Anton Markov

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