Best way to get list of return separated file names in template?

Christian Ebert blacktrash at
Thu Jul 8 08:40:07 CDT 2010

* Jason Harris on Thursday, July 08, 2010 at 15:10:59 +0200
> Question:
> In some commands like "hg log --template "{file_mods} {date}"
> the list of files that come back is space separated. However,
> some files have spaces in their names. Thus programmatically
> determining Thus I would like to add / change / modify things
> so I can get log to yield a list of file names which are return
> separated.
> I could of course add my own file_mods_separated to the code in
> but I am asking what would the preferred way to
> modify the code to achieve this?
> Should a new keyword be added, or should this be done in some
> other manner?

Perhaps you can tweak this --style:

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