Debian package defetas demandimport

Yuya Nishihara yuya at
Sun Jul 11 11:38:05 CDT 2010

Isaac Jurado wrote:
> Hi,
> After using the Debian Sid version (1.6-2) a bit, I noticed that there
> was some delay on each command, so I ran a couple of profiles.  Then I
> compared it to the vanilla 1.6 (from main repo, with make local) and I
> got the following results.
> Notice the difference in time for imports.  My guess is that the package
> version is preventing demandimport from working properly, but I can't
> imagine how.  And besides, I may be missing something in these tests
> (like mixing Debian and upstream Mercurial modules).

Hi, I tested both of debian package (1.6-2) and pristine local build (1.6),
but I couldn't notice that difference. They both took 0.1-0.2 sec accroding
to time command.

Without demand import, it took 0.3-0.4 sec.

It's Debian Sid, amd64.


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