[PATCH 2 of 4] keyword: don't delete possible wrappers for commictx() (see issue2254)

Martin Geisler mg at aragost.com
Tue Jul 13 04:15:14 CDT 2010

Christian Ebert <blacktrash at gmx.net> writes:

> Ok, I have never used hgsubversion, but from what I gather the
> respective svn and hg repos do not share the same working
> directory? Then, at a first naïve glance, I don't see any
> problems, because the data transfered at clone, push, pull is
> never affected by the keyword extension. Again, keyword.py takes
> great care that it only affects the working directory, even
> hg log -p does not expand keywords.

One thing that worries me about the eol extension is that it does not
take the same amount of care to disable itself as the keywords
extension... though it seems to me that both extensions ought to have
the same problems.

I've only skimmed the thread, but could the hgsubversion extension not
somehow disable the eol extension? Setting repo._eolfile to util.never
should do the job.

Martin Geisler

aragost Trifork
Professional Mercurial support

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