Perfarce extension oddity...

Frank Kingswood frank at
Fri Jul 23 02:54:21 CDT 2010

On 22/07/10 20:05, Steven Johnson wrote:
>> Tried that: for this custom client spec, I have
>>      Root = ~/perforce-stuff
>>      //depot/long/path/tofoo/... //my-machine/foo/...
>> But I'm still getting the same result.

>      Root = ~/perforce-stuff/foo
>      //depot/long/path/tofoo/... //my-machine/...
> This seems a little fiddly, but as long as it works...

Yes, the Root parameter is how perfarce determines what the root of the 
workspace is, and that is what the root of the cloned repository will be.
(Perfarce will also read AltRoots, if there are any, and will use the first 
directory that it can access).

I'm not sure what happens with your first example when you check out 
different trees from the same depot. I'd also worry that p4 would start 
randomly deleting files from ~/perforce-stuff/other/directories.


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