Multiple undo again...

Paul Boddie paul.boddie at
Fri Jun 4 09:11:43 CDT 2010

Jason Harris wrote:
> Actually what you are describing is exactly how things are about to work with MacHg. I have a .hgbackup directory which is a Mercurial meta-data repository which contains a snapshot of *everything* before any "changing" hg command. (eg status and log don't do any changing, but addremove, commit, strip, etc do changing.)
> Then to undo I just do the update to this snapshot revision by saying Mercurial should work with the .hgbackup dir instead of the .hg dir. If you want to do the redo you just do the update to tip on this parallel .hgbackup dir. And if you want you can move anywhere in the tree of changes in this .hgbackup dir.

But does this conveniently support multiple levels of undo? Of course, 
Mercurial naturally supports multiple level "undo/redo" by design: it's 
the desire to discard "undone" work that you're interested in, I 
believe. Browsing the Wiki, I see that what I described as "some kind of 
cloning plus replaying of unwanted changesets", where I think I actually 
meant "wanted changesets" since I was talking about discarding unwanted 
work at that point, it looks like 'hg strip' would be able to support 
such a thing.


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