New testing framework

Greg Ward greg at
Fri Jun 11 14:57:50 CDT 2010

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Adrian Buehlmann <adrian at> wrote:
> It would really love to see a testsuite that's easier to get running on
> Windows than

That's my main goal.  (Making it easier to understand and modify the
tests is a close second.)  It's working reasonably well; porting the
bfiles tests to hgtest actually found a couple of bfiles bugs.

One annoyance: I have some test code that is obviously Unix-specific, e.g.

if == 'posix':
    hgt.announce('bfupdate respects umask')
    umask = os.umask(077)
        hgt.hg(['bfupdate', 'sub'],
               stdout='1 big files updated, 0 removed\n')
    mode = os.stat('sub/big3').st_mode & 0777
    hgt.assertequals(0700, mode, 'sub/big3: mode')

When I run this test script on Windows with --debug, it's fine: the
Unix-specific code is silently skipped.  But when I let
diff the output, it fails, because it no longer prints the output of
this test.

I think this is just another indication that diffing output is silly
with hgtest.  But there's no point modifying to disable
the diff if hgtest is only going to be used by bfiles.  I want hgtest
to be useful for Mercurial itself, and that's why I need people to go
bang on it a bit.


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