[PATCH] qseries: add --edit option for editing series file for current queue

Greg Ward greg-hg at gerg.ca
Thu Jun 17 11:59:50 CDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Mads Kiilerich <mads at kiilerich.com> wrote:
> That is a fine improvement of the text. (Perhaps it also should describe
> what .rej files are and how to deal with them?)

Hmmm... that seems overkill.  Nobody ever taught me what a .rej file
is, but I figured it out.  It's not *that* hard to understand.

> Yes, we should probably explain somewhere what the series file is, how to
> find it (especially when using one of multiple queus) and when and how to
> edit it. It seems like we don't explain that anywhere?
> But is the help for qseries really the right place to introduce the series
> file and tell how to edit it? qseries --edit is just handy shortcut, not the
> canonical interface to the series file.
> Perhaps the long description should be in "help mq" instead, and the help
> for --edit should be limited to the first sentence?

That sounds reasonable.  Although I would keep a brief reminder that
"qseries --edit is for reordering, not for adding/removing" in the
qseries help, even if it's repeated in "help mq".  Everything else can
move to the mq help.


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