hg-extra for fedora

Mads Kiilerich mads at kiilerich.com
Wed Nov 10 07:41:32 CST 2010

On 11/10/2010 01:59 PM, Neal Becker wrote:
> I'm planning to package some extra extensions for fedora.  My plan is to
> call this hg-extra, and (to make my life simpler) to place them into
> python/site-packages/hgextra.

There is no reason the extensions should live under site-packages. They 
are intended to be loaded by Mercurials extension loader and are not 
generally usable Python modules. (Mercurials extension loader will 
however use Pythons import function unless a source file is specified.)

I suggest putting the files in for example /usr/share/mercurial-pbranch/ 
and dropping a /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/pbranch.rc with something like

# pbranch = /usr/share/mercurial-pbranch/pbranch.py

Alternatively the package could place the extension files in _the_ hgext 
folder. That would allow simple configuration with just "pbranch=".

> For now this includes rdiff and pbranch.
> Any thoughts?

OT: These examples are different upstream projects and should live in 
different packages - for example mercurial-rdiff and mercurial-pbranch.

(IMHO rdiff is far from best practice not widely used, so I don't see 
much value in packaging it. But that won't and shouldn't stop you ;-))


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