xrevlog: experimental reimplementation of revlog in C

Greg Ward greg at gerg.ca
Wed Nov 10 08:58:01 CST 2010

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Matt Mackall <mpm at selenic.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-11-09 at 09:25 -0500, Greg Ward wrote:
>> for ages now, it has really bugged me that Mercurial reads the entire
>> changelog index into memory for almost any command, and that it
>> creates a Python list *and* dictionary for it.  On our main repo at
>> work, that's two 112,000-element containers every time you run (say)
>> "hg tip".
> Performance numbers?

OK, I sat down tonight to do some careful performance tests, with
numbers and everything.

Executive summary: in the best case task (roughly "hg tip"), xrevlog is
~500x faster than the Mercurial API.  Worst case ("hg debugdata" in a
random subset of revs in forward order), it's ~4x faster.  But I got
some seg faults from xrevlog, so clearly it's not done yet; I'll have to
repeat this experiment when the bugs are fixed.


I implemented four tasks in Python and C:

def openclose(filename):
    """open the revlog and immediately close it"""
def readindex(filename):
    """open the revlog in filename and read the entire index"""
def readtip(filename):
    """open the revlog in filename and read the data for the latest revision"""
def readdata(filename):
    """open the revlog in filename and read a random 10% of the entries
    (in forward order)"""

Of those, only readtip() is a meaningful approximation of something that
an everyday hg command does, namely "hg tip".  You can see the two
implementations here:


(Or just clone the repo.) If something looks fishy, like I'm unfairly
comparing Python and C by doing more work in one or the other, it
probably is.  I'm only human and I just knocked this stuff off 90 min
last night.  ;-)

For the timings, I used the standard timeit module to do 3 repeats of 50
runs of each task.  I reimplemented the same algorithm as timeit in C,
also doing 3 x 50 runs.  I'll just report the minimum runtime from each
repeat; this is the runtime of all 50 iterations.

First, a medium-sized revlog: Mercurial's changelog (~12k revisions).

In Python:

  openclose   min 1512.3 ms
  readindex   min 6247.5 ms
  readtip     min 1552.0 ms
  readdata    min 7204.7 ms

In C using xrevlog:

  openclose   min    1.1 ms    # 1300x speedup (but who cares?)
  readindex   min  231.7 ms    # 26x speedup
  readtip     min    3.1 ms    # 500x speedup (useful!)
  readdata    min 1681.4 ms    # 4.3x speedup

The speedup on openclose is irrelevant because that's not a real-world
operation.  Reading the data for just the tip revision is, though, so I
like that 500x speedup.

I repeated the above with Mercurial's manifest log... and got a segfault
in xrevlog.  Sigh.  Maybe later.

Now with a large revlog, the changelog from our big repo at work (113000


  openclose   min    374 ms
  readindex   min 147624 ms
  readtip     min    484 ms
  readdata    min 105541 ms

(N.B. I only ran 5 iterations of each task this time because I got bored
waiting for 50.  So I multiplied the times by 10 in order to compare
with the Mercurial changelog above.)

Odd: I have no idea why openclose and readtip are faster here than with
Mercurial's changelog.  There are ~10x as many revisions and ~10x as
many bytes in this one.  Is this lazyparser kicking in?

Now C/xrevlog:

  openclose   min     3 ms
  readindex   min  2024 ms
  readtip     min     5 ms
  readdata    *segfault*

Sigh.  Clearly I have more work to do.  It looks promising, though.


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