Concept of the day: filesets?

Matt Mackall mpm at
Thu Nov 18 13:50:57 CST 2010

On Thu, 2010-11-18 at 08:59 +0900, Nicolas Dumazet wrote:
> 2010/11/18 Matt Mackall <mpm at>:
> > That'll work right up until I change the predicate to "not modified()"
> > or make it "or contains('mpm')", etc. Yes, you can be extra clever and
> > work around such bumps, but it's not hard to see that this quickly gets
> > into experts-only territory.
> Fair enough.
> >
> > I'm surprised you can't look over at revsets and think "wow, that really
> > is amazingly powerful and useful, and doing that sort of thing with
> > files would probably also be quite useful." Yes, I could in fact do just
> > about everything revsets does with a hairy pipeline of log -q and uniq
> > commands, but it wouldn't exactly be convenient.
> Actually, from time to time I feel uncomfortable with revsets too.
> Yes, it's super powerful and helpful.
> But then, for instance, most of the options from log are not useful
> anymore, or could be replaced by a revset. log -b foo is log
> -r"branch(foo)"

Yes, but that just means we should have done revsets years ago. Now
-all- commands have the equivalent of log -b, -k, -d, -P, -m, -M, -f,
-u, -l, and a bunch more without having to add tons of new options

Similarly, if we'd started with filesets, we wouldn't need -I and -X in
every command.

> For instance, hg log -r REV FILE was broken in 1.7, but not log -r"REV
> and file(FILE)".

My eventual goal is to rewrite the horror of the current log code in
terms of revsets. This should make it both simpler and faster.

Mathematics is the supreme nostalgia of our time.

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