not sure how to fix locale packaging

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Tue Oct 5 18:55:07 CDT 2010

  Neal Becker wrote, On 10/05/2010 08:18 PM:
> Neal Becker wrote:
>> mercurial has hard-wired to install .mo files under python_sitearch, and
>> has hard-coded to look there.
>> On fedora, is usually used to find these files, but expects
>> to find them in e.g., /usr/share/locale
>> Not sure what's the best way to fix this.  Either leave .mo files where
>> mercurial expects them, and replace, or move them to
>> /usr/share/locale and patch
> I think the best solution would be to add a configuration option
> --locale-dir.  I don't know enough about setuptools to try this.

I assume that all packagers have the same need for putting python files 
in one location, data files (templates) in another, and translations yet 
another place. Perhaps some packager for some platform has some patches 
that could be upstreamed?

Until that happens the options are to either ignore the packaging 
guidelines and let Mercurial decide, or to trick Mercurial by moving 
things around and creating symlinks so Mercurial won't notice.


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