[PATCH 0 of 1] ui: add function 'promptselection'

Ingo Proetel proetel at aicas.de
Thu Aug 4 07:26:01 CDT 2011


I have a patch proposal for a new function to replace 'promptchoice'.

The function 'promptselection' provides more automatic support for user selections:
- always provide a help
- uniform representation of possible choices
- return command strings instead of indexes

Its use is similar to 'promptchoice':
  choices = (_('&Abort command'),
             _('Create &new request'),
             _('&Reopen request') )
  request = ui.promptselection('now what?', choices,'new')
  if    request == 'abort':
    util.Abort('User aborted')
  elif  request == 'new':
    ui.status('creating new')
  else:#request == 'reopen'
    ui.status('reopen existing')

The output will look like this:
  $>now what? [aNr?] ?
  a Abort command
  n Create new request
  r Reopen request
  $>now what? [aNr?] n
  creating new

If this function was accepted I would go through all uses of 'promptchoice' and replace them.

Best Regards,

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