[RFC] kbfiles: an extension to track binary files with less wasted bandwidth

Andrew Pritchard awpritchard at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 17:05:36 CDT 2011

Look now and be happy!  The repositories on
http://developers.kilnhg.com have been replaced with versions I
spliced together from the three repositories.  They should contain the
full history, with few exceptions (a medium chunk of code inexplicably
changed between the latest code in our private repositories and the
first commit in the truncated largefiles repositories; I folded that
into that commit under the assumption that they were changed locally
before committing; also, one two-commit branch merge's second parent
was lost, but all of the code it touched has since been replaced, so
it should have no effect now).  'hg churn' also over-reports my change
counts by about 14,000 lines because I manually moved all the files
out of a subdirectory into the repository root to get things ready for
the splice, but everyone else's changes are properly attributed to
their original committer.

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