[PATCH 2 of 9 hglib] add Mercurial's check code module

Idan Kamara idankk86 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 14:04:30 CDT 2011

# HG changeset patch
# User Idan Kamara <idankk86 at gmail.com>
# Date 1314124893 -10800
# Node ID afd213f7cb421e41f6ed6cea0408e57fada444e3
# Parent  a7d98dc798c5ccba32ee3be5dcda3a2e5c70550b
add Mercurial's check code module

diff -r a7d98dc798c5 -r afd213f7cb42 tests/check-code.py
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/check-code.py	Tue Aug 23 21:41:33 2011 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# check-code - a style and portability checker for Mercurial
+# Copyright 2010 Matt Mackall <mpm at selenic.com>
+# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
+import re, glob, os, sys
+import keyword
+import optparse
+def repquote(m):
+    t = re.sub(r"\w", "x", m.group('text'))
+    t = re.sub(r"[^\sx]", "o", t)
+    return m.group('quote') + t + m.group('quote')
+def reppython(m):
+    comment = m.group('comment')
+    if comment:
+        return "#" * len(comment)
+    return repquote(m)
+def repcomment(m):
+    return m.group(1) + "#" * len(m.group(2))
+def repccomment(m):
+    t = re.sub(r"((?<=\n) )|\S", "x", m.group(2))
+    return m.group(1) + t + "*/"
+def repcallspaces(m):
+    t = re.sub(r"\n\s+", "\n", m.group(2))
+    return m.group(1) + t
+def repinclude(m):
+    return m.group(1) + "<foo>"
+def rephere(m):
+    t = re.sub(r"\S", "x", m.group(2))
+    return m.group(1) + t
+testpats = [
+  [
+    (r'(pushd|popd)', "don't use 'pushd' or 'popd', use 'cd'"),
+    (r'\W\$?\(\([^\)]*\)\)', "don't use (()) or $(()), use 'expr'"),
+    (r'^function', "don't use 'function', use old style"),
+    (r'grep.*-q', "don't use 'grep -q', redirect to /dev/null"),
+    (r'echo.*\\n', "don't use 'echo \\n', use printf"),
+    (r'echo -n', "don't use 'echo -n', use printf"),
+    (r'^diff.*-\w*N', "don't use 'diff -N'"),
+    (r'(^| )wc[^|]*$', "filter wc output"),
+    (r'head -c', "don't use 'head -c', use 'dd'"),
+    (r'ls.*-\w*R', "don't use 'ls -R', use 'find'"),
+    (r'printf.*\\\d\d\d', "don't use 'printf \NNN', use Python"),
+    (r'printf.*\\x', "don't use printf \\x, use Python"),
+    (r'\$\(.*\)', "don't use $(expr), use `expr`"),
+    (r'rm -rf \*', "don't use naked rm -rf, target a directory"),
+    (r'(^|\|\s*)grep (-\w\s+)*[^|]*[(|]\w',
+     "use egrep for extended grep syntax"),
+    (r'/bin/', "don't use explicit paths for tools"),
+    (r'\$PWD', "don't use $PWD, use `pwd`"),
+    (r'[^\n]\Z', "no trailing newline"),
+    (r'export.*=', "don't export and assign at once"),
+    ('^([^"\']|("[^"]*")|(\'[^\']*\'))*\\^', "^ must be quoted"),
+    (r'^source\b', "don't use 'source', use '.'"),
+    (r'touch -d', "don't use 'touch -d', use 'touch -t' instead"),
+    (r'ls\s+[^|-]+\s+-', "options to 'ls' must come before filenames"),
+    (r'[^>]>\s*\$HGRCPATH', "don't overwrite $HGRCPATH, append to it"),
+    (r'stop\(\)', "don't use 'stop' as a shell function name"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  []
+testfilters = [
+    (r"( *)(#([^\n]*\S)?)", repcomment),
+    (r"<<(\S+)((.|\n)*?\n\1)", rephere),
+uprefix = r"^  \$ "
+uprefixc = r"^  > "
+utestpats = [
+  [
+    (r'^(\S|  $ ).*(\S\s+|^\s+)\n', "trailing whitespace on non-output"),
+    (uprefix + r'.*\|\s*sed', "use regex test output patterns instead of sed"),
+    (uprefix + r'(true|exit 0)', "explicit zero exit unnecessary"),
+    (uprefix + r'.*\$\?', "explicit exit code checks unnecessary"),
+    (uprefix + r'.*\|\| echo.*(fail|error)',
+     "explicit exit code checks unnecessary"),
+    (uprefix + r'set -e', "don't use set -e"),
+    (uprefixc + r'( *)\t', "don't use tabs to indent"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  []
+for i in [0, 1]:
+    for p, m in testpats[i]:
+        if p.startswith('^'):
+            p = uprefix + p[1:]
+        else:
+            p = uprefix + p
+        utestpats[i].append((p, m))
+utestfilters = [
+    (r"( *)(#([^\n]*\S)?)", repcomment),
+pypats = [
+  [
+    (r'^\s*def\s*\w+\s*\(.*,\s*\(',
+     "tuple parameter unpacking not available in Python 3+"),
+    (r'lambda\s*\(.*,.*\)',
+     "tuple parameter unpacking not available in Python 3+"),
+    (r'(?<!def)\s+(cmp)\(', "cmp is not available in Python 3+"),
+    (r'\breduce\s*\(.*', "reduce is not available in Python 3+"),
+    (r'\.has_key\b', "dict.has_key is not available in Python 3+"),
+    (r'^\s*\t', "don't use tabs"),
+    (r'\S;\s*\n', "semicolon"),
+    (r'\w,\w', "missing whitespace after ,"),
+    (r'\w[+/*\-<>]\w', "missing whitespace in expression"),
+    (r'^\s+\w+=\w+[^,)]$', "missing whitespace in assignment"),
+    (r'.{85}', "line too long"),
+    (r'[^\n]\Z', "no trailing newline"),
+    (r'(\S\s+|^\s+)\n', "trailing whitespace"),
+#    (r'^\s+[^_ ][^_. ]+_[^_]+\s*=', "don't use underbars in identifiers"),
+#    (r'\w*[a-z][A-Z]\w*\s*=', "don't use camelcase in identifiers"),
+    (r'^\s*(if|while|def|class|except|try)\s[^[]*:\s*[^\]#\s]+',
+     "linebreak after :"),
+    (r'class\s[^( ]+:', "old-style class, use class foo(object)"),
+    (r'class\s[^( ]+\(\):',
+     "class foo() not available in Python 2.4, use class foo(object)"),
+    (r'\b(%s)\(' % '|'.join(keyword.kwlist),
+     "Python keyword is not a function"),
+    (r',]', "unneeded trailing ',' in list"),
+#    (r'class\s[A-Z][^\(]*\((?!Exception)',
+#     "don't capitalize non-exception classes"),
+#    (r'in range\(', "use xrange"),
+#    (r'^\s*print\s+', "avoid using print in core and extensions"),
+    (r'[\x80-\xff]', "non-ASCII character literal"),
+    (r'("\')\.format\(', "str.format() not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'^\s*with\s+', "with not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'\.isdisjoint\(', "set.isdisjoint not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'^\s*except.* as .*:', "except as not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'^\s*os\.path\.relpath', "relpath not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'(?<!def)\s+(any|all|format)\(',
+     "any/all/format not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'(?<!def)\s+(callable)\(',
+     "callable not available in Python 3, use getattr(f, '__call__', None)"),
+    (r'if\s.*\selse', "if ... else form not available in Python 2.4"),
+    (r'^\s*(%s)\s\s' % '|'.join(keyword.kwlist),
+     "gratuitous whitespace after Python keyword"),
+    (r'([\(\[]\s\S)|(\S\s[\)\]])', "gratuitous whitespace in () or []"),
+#    (r'\s\s=', "gratuitous whitespace before ="),
+    (r'[^>< ](\+=|-=|!=|<>|<=|>=|<<=|>>=)\S',
+     "missing whitespace around operator"),
+    (r'[^>< ](\+=|-=|!=|<>|<=|>=|<<=|>>=)\s',
+     "missing whitespace around operator"),
+    (r'\s(\+=|-=|!=|<>|<=|>=|<<=|>>=)\S',
+     "missing whitespace around operator"),
+    (r'[^+=*/!<>&| -](\s=|=\s)[^= ]',
+     "wrong whitespace around ="),
+    (r'raise Exception', "don't raise generic exceptions"),
+    (r' is\s+(not\s+)?["\'0-9-]', "object comparison with literal"),
+    (r' [=!]=\s+(True|False|None)',
+     "comparison with singleton, use 'is' or 'is not' instead"),
+    (r'^\s*(while|if) [01]:',
+     "use True/False for constant Boolean expression"),
+    (r'(?<!def)\s+hasattr',
+     'hasattr(foo, bar) is broken, use util.safehasattr(foo, bar) instead'),
+    (r'opener\([^)]*\).read\(',
+     "use opener.read() instead"),
+    (r'opener\([^)]*\).write\(',
+     "use opener.write() instead"),
+    (r'[\s\(](open|file)\([^)]*\)\.read\(',
+     "use util.readfile() instead"),
+    (r'[\s\(](open|file)\([^)]*\)\.write\(',
+     "use util.readfile() instead"),
+    (r'^[\s\(]*(open(er)?|file)\([^)]*\)',
+     "always assign an opened file to a variable, and close it afterwards"),
+    (r'[\s\(](open|file)\([^)]*\)\.',
+     "always assign an opened file to a variable, and close it afterwards"),
+    (r'(?i)descendent', "the proper spelling is descendAnt"),
+    (r'\.debug\(\_', "don't mark debug messages for translation"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  [
+    (r'.{81}', "warning: line over 80 characters"),
+    (r'^\s*except:$', "warning: naked except clause"),
+    (r'ui\.(status|progress|write|note|warn)\([\'\"]x',
+     "warning: unwrapped ui message"),
+  ]
+pyfilters = [
+    (r"""(?msx)(?P<comment>\#.*?$)|
+         ((?P<quote>('''|\"\"\"|(?<!')'(?!')|(?<!")"(?!")))
+          (?P<text>(([^\\]|\\.)*?))
+          (?P=quote))""", reppython),
+cpats = [
+  [
+    (r'//', "don't use //-style comments"),
+    (r'^  ', "don't use spaces to indent"),
+    (r'\S\t', "don't use tabs except for indent"),
+    (r'(\S\s+|^\s+)\n', "trailing whitespace"),
+    (r'.{85}', "line too long"),
+    (r'(while|if|do|for)\(', "use space after while/if/do/for"),
+    (r'return\(', "return is not a function"),
+    (r' ;', "no space before ;"),
+    (r'\w+\* \w+', "use int *foo, not int* foo"),
+    (r'\([^\)]+\) \w+', "use (int)foo, not (int) foo"),
+    (r'\S+ (\+\+|--)', "use foo++, not foo ++"),
+    (r'\w,\w', "missing whitespace after ,"),
+    (r'^[^#]\w[+/*]\w', "missing whitespace in expression"),
+    (r'^#\s+\w', "use #foo, not # foo"),
+    (r'[^\n]\Z', "no trailing newline"),
+    (r'^\s*#import\b', "use only #include in standard C code"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  []
+cfilters = [
+    (r'(/\*)(((\*(?!/))|[^*])*)\*/', repccomment),
+    (r'''(?P<quote>(?<!")")(?P<text>([^"]|\\")+)"(?!")''', repquote),
+    (r'''(#\s*include\s+<)([^>]+)>''', repinclude),
+    (r'(\()([^)]+\))', repcallspaces),
+inutilpats = [
+  [
+    (r'\bui\.', "don't use ui in util"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  []
+inrevlogpats = [
+  [
+    (r'\brepo\.', "don't use repo in revlog"),
+  ],
+  # warnings
+  []
+checks = [
+    ('python', r'.*\.(py|cgi)$', pyfilters, pypats),
+    ('test script', r'(.*/)?test-[^.~]*$', testfilters, testpats),
+    ('c', r'.*\.c$', cfilters, cpats),
+    ('unified test', r'.*\.t$', utestfilters, utestpats),
+    ('layering violation repo in revlog', r'mercurial/revlog\.py', pyfilters,
+     inrevlogpats),
+    ('layering violation ui in util', r'mercurial/util\.py', pyfilters,
+     inutilpats),
+class norepeatlogger(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self._lastseen = None
+    def log(self, fname, lineno, line, msg, blame):
+        """print error related a to given line of a given file.
+        The faulty line will also be printed but only once in the case
+        of multiple errors.
+        :fname: filename
+        :lineno: line number
+        :line: actual content of the line
+        :msg: error message
+        """
+        msgid = fname, lineno, line
+        if msgid != self._lastseen:
+            if blame:
+                print "%s:%d (%s):" % (fname, lineno, blame)
+            else:
+                print "%s:%d:" % (fname, lineno)
+            print " > %s" % line
+            self._lastseen = msgid
+        print " " + msg
+_defaultlogger = norepeatlogger()
+def getblame(f):
+    lines = []
+    for l in os.popen('hg annotate -un %s' % f):
+        start, line = l.split(':', 1)
+        user, rev = start.split()
+        lines.append((line[1:-1], user, rev))
+    return lines
+def checkfile(f, logfunc=_defaultlogger.log, maxerr=None, warnings=False,
+              blame=False, debug=False):
+    """checks style and portability of a given file
+    :f: filepath
+    :logfunc: function used to report error
+              logfunc(filename, linenumber, linecontent, errormessage)
+    :maxerr: number of error to display before arborting.
+             Set to None (default) to report all errors
+    return True if no error is found, False otherwise.
+    """
+    blamecache = None
+    result = True
+    for name, match, filters, pats in checks:
+        if debug:
+            print name, f
+        fc = 0
+        if not re.match(match, f):
+            if debug:
+                print "Skipping %s for %s it doesn't match %s" % (
+                       name, match, f)
+            continue
+        fp = open(f)
+        pre = post = fp.read()
+        fp.close()
+        if "no-" + "check-code" in pre:
+            if debug:
+                print "Skipping %s for %s it has no- and check-code" % (
+                       name, f)
+            break
+        for p, r in filters:
+            post = re.sub(p, r, post)
+        if warnings:
+            pats = pats[0] + pats[1]
+        else:
+            pats = pats[0]
+        # print post # uncomment to show filtered version
+        z = enumerate(zip(pre.splitlines(), post.splitlines(True)))
+        if debug:
+            print "Checking %s for %s" % (name, f)
+        for n, l in z:
+            if "check-code" + "-ignore" in l[0]:
+                if debug:
+                    print "Skipping %s for %s:%s (check-code -ignore)" % (
+                           name, f, n)
+                continue
+            for p, msg in pats:
+                if re.search(p, l[1]):
+                    bd = ""
+                    if blame:
+                        bd = 'working directory'
+                        if not blamecache:
+                            blamecache = getblame(f)
+                        if n < len(blamecache):
+                            bl, bu, br = blamecache[n]
+                            if bl == l[0]:
+                                bd = '%s@%s' % (bu, br)
+                    logfunc(f, n + 1, l[0], msg, bd)
+                    fc += 1
+                    result = False
+            if maxerr is not None and fc >= maxerr:
+                print " (too many errors, giving up)"
+                break
+    return result
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser("%prog [options] [files]")
+    parser.add_option("-w", "--warnings", action="store_true",
+                      help="include warning-level checks")
+    parser.add_option("-p", "--per-file", type="int",
+                      help="max warnings per file")
+    parser.add_option("-b", "--blame", action="store_true",
+                      help="use annotate to generate blame info")
+    parser.add_option("", "--debug", action="store_true",
+                      help="show debug information")
+    parser.set_defaults(per_file=15, warnings=False, blame=False, debug=False)
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if len(args) == 0:
+        check = glob.glob("*")
+    else:
+        check = args
+    for f in check:
+        ret = 0
+        if not checkfile(f, maxerr=options.per_file, warnings=options.warnings,
+                         blame=options.blame, debug=options.debug):
+            ret = 1
+    sys.exit(ret)

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