RFC: Phase UI (revset, phase command and others)

Laurens Holst laurens.nospam at grauw.nl
Tue Dec 27 16:59:46 CST 2011

Op 27-12-2011 0:11, Pierre-Yves David schreef:
> revset
> -------
> revset to select changeset according to their phase will be implemented.
> The naive solution is:
>     public()     match changeset in public phase.
>     draft()      match changeset in draft phase.
>     secret()     match changeset in secret phase.
> But in practice we want to be able to do more complicated queries:
>     * "Match all changeset at least draft" -->  (draft() + secret())
>     * "Match all changeset at most draft" -->  (draft() + public())
> There are multiple options to achieve this.
> Solution A: add more revset symbols
> ```````````````````````````````````````````````````
> Adding "exchanged()" and "mutable()" should do it.
> pro:
>    * simple to use
> con:
>    * multiplies symbols
>    * Does not scale well if we add phases
> Solution B: add argument to revset
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````
> We add an "operator" argument to revset to control how it should be
> interpreted:
>     Match any changeset in phase draft or lower -->  "draft('<=')"
> Possible values are '<','<=', '='(default), '>=', '>'.
> pro:
>     * keep simple usage simple
>     * cover most things people will want to express (except phase between X and Y)
> cons:
>     * complicated usecase are a bit more complicated
> Solution C: Use a single symbol
> ``````````````````````````````````````````````````
> We can use a single "phases" revset taking a "phase-set" in argument:
>     match changesets in draft phase -->  phase('draft)
>     match changesets in draft phase or lower -->  phase('<=draft)
>     match changeset between public and secret phase -->   phase('public::draft')
> pro:
>     * Add less symbol
>     * everything is done using the same symbol
>     * complex case are simpler to express
>     * cover any complicated case people might want
> cons:
>     * Make simple case more verbose

I like the phase(str) part of solution C but I don’t like the 
microsyntax :: => <= etc. Also problem with => and <= is that the 
ordering (what is left, what is right) is unintuitive.

Solution D:

Add a phases keyword:

phase('draft') -> exact match
phases('draft') -> draft + secret
! phases('secret') -> public + draft

Unions, intersections and set differences will handle the rest.


~~ Ushiko-san! Kimi wa doushite, Ushiko-san nan da!! ~~
Laurens Holst, developer, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Website: www.grauw.nl. Working @ www.roughcookie.com

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