Issues with download from

Mads Kiilerich mads at
Mon Jan 3 10:01:57 CST 2011

I noticed some unexpected behavior on with 
32 bit XP.

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20101012 Firefox/3.6.11)

The page contains a highlighted box with:

	Download now
	Mercurial 1.7.3
	TortoiseHg 1.1.8 with

The link shown when pointing the mouse there is 
"", but clicking on "Mercurial 
1.7.3" starts download of tortoisehg-1.1.8-hg-1.7.3-x64.msi .

1. TortoiseHg is an excellent tool, but I would expect the default 
download on Mercurials web page to be what the Mercurial project 
supports. TortoiseHg could be recommended as an alternative download 
with a "this is something else" comment.

2. Mouse over should show what clicking will do.

3. It shouldn't recommend x64 for 32 bit XP.


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