[PATCH STABLE] windows: make win32 mandatory (issue1922)

Aaron Cohen aaron at assonance.org
Thu Jan 20 12:59:47 CST 2011

Would using ctypes directly help?

Such as, for instance:

import ctypes

class FILETIME(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('dwLowDateTime',       ctypes.c_uint),
        ('dwHighDateTime',      ctypes.c_uint),

class BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('dwFileAttributes',        ctypes.c_uint),
        ('ftCreationTime',          FILETIME),
        ('ftLastAccessTime',        FILETIME),
        ('ftLastWriteTime',         FILETIME),
        ('dwVolumeSerialNumber',    ctypes.c_uint),
        ('nFileSizeHigh',           ctypes.c_uint),
        ('nFileSizeLow',            ctypes.c_uint),
        ('nNumberOfLinks',          ctypes.c_uint),
        ('nFileIndexHigh',          ctypes.c_uint),
        ('nFileIndexLow',           ctypes.c_uint),

_GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000

_FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001


def _getfileinfo(pathname):
    if isinstance(pathname, str):
        #TODO: I'm not sure how mercurial likes to do this
        pathname = unicode(pathname)

    fh = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateFileW(pathname,
            None, _OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None)
    if fh == -1:
        raise OSError(errno.ENOENT, 'The system cannot find the file specified')

        # TODO: Raise an appropriate exception if this returns true
        return info

def nlinks(pathname):
    return _getfileinfo(pathname).nNumberOfLinks

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