[PATCH] hgext/win32chcp: switches the console into an encoding actually used (issue2926)

Andrei Polushin polushin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 16:52:19 CDT 2011

30.07.2011 1:43, Matt Mackall wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-07-30 at 00:25 +0700, Andrei Polushin wrote:
>> One problem still remains: `hg log | more' doesn't produce readable output on
>> OEM console, because `more' resets the encoding itself, and it happens at an
>> arbitrary time.
> I'm skeptical of this theory. [...]
> I think it's much more likely to be a race of some form. What I suspect
> happens here is that there are three processes involved:
> hg                more              console window
>                                     start hg
>                                     start more
> set codepage
> (send message to console)
> start writing text
>                   start reading text
>                   start printing
>                   (write directly to screen)
>                                     receives chcp
>                                     screws up display
> I think introducing some delays in various places would test this
> theory.

Your scenario seems to be wrong, because I'm getting some readable text at
the beginning, while all further characters are unreadable.

But you are right in a sense that it's a race condition. When I remove
atexit.register(restoreconsoleencoding), it starts working just fine,
I see readable characters until the end.

But the console codepage still needs to be restored somehow. It should be
restored when `more' terminates, because `hg' terminates too early, while
`more' is still running.

Andrei Polushin

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