[PATCH 1 of 2 RFC] setup: add command to generate index of extensions

Martin Geisler mg at aragost.com
Sat Jun 4 11:05:50 CDT 2011

Yuya Nishihara <yuya at tcha.org> writes:

> +class buildhgextindex(Command):
> +    description = 'generate prebuilt index of hgext (for frozen package)'
> +    user_options = []
> +    _indexfilename = 'hgext/__index__.py'
> +
> +    def initialize_options(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +    def finalize_options(self):
> +        pass
> +
> +    def run(self):
> +        if os.path.exists(self._indexfilename):
> +            os.unlink(self._indexfilename)
> +
> +        # here no extension enabled, disabled() lists up everything
> +        code = ('import pprint; from mercurial import extensions; '
> +                'pprint.pprint(extensions.disabled())')
> +        out, err = runcmd([sys.executable, '-c', code], env)

Is there a reason that you don't just run the Python code in the Python
process that runs setup.py?

Martin Geisler

aragost Trifork
Professional Mercurial support

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